How To Get A Child With Autism To Eat: 6 Helpful Tips 2024

How To Get A Child With Autism To Eat

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Many families often describe their kids as “fussy eaters”, refusing to try or eat a variety of foods. However, if your child has an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), they may be far more selective in what they will or won’t eat and may continue long after childhood.[1]

It is estimated that autism spectrum disorder affects 1 in 150 children[2] in the U.S. and disrupts the daily life of many, including their eating habits. Autistic children may openly show discomfort or pain when confronted with food they don’t like, resulting in meltdowns or tantrums at mealtimes. 

How To Get A Child With Autism To Eat

While your child might be a picky eater, you can take the following steps to help develop and encourage healthy eating habits for children with autism.

  • Relax before scheduled mealtimes
  • Create a family unit
  • Gradually expose to new foods
  • Positively focus on food
  • Check for other conditions
  • Be patient, yet consistent

How To Get An Autistic Child To Eat: 6 Useful Tips

Relax Before Scheduled Mealtimes

Children with autism dislike unpredictability,[3] so setting regular schedules is essential, particularly mealtimes. When you stick to set meal and snack times throughout the day, you help your child’s body to expect and accept food at familiar scheduled times. 

Autistic children may be nervous or anxious as mealtimes approach. If your child fears unfamiliar foods, they could be suffering from sensory food aversion. They may fear the taste, color, smell or texture of certain foods, triggering sensory overreaction in the body.

In addition, forcing a child with autism to sit until they finish all their food reinforces a negative pattern at mealtimes. When this happens, your child’s stress levels rise, similar to fight or flight situations, which can cause the body to shut down hunger and lose appetite. Stop this vicious cycle by making the run-up to mealtimes relaxing and enjoyable. Associate mealtimes with pleasant, positive vibes by doing activities beforehand, such as reading, singing a song, or doing fun breathing exercises.

Create A Family Unit

Family eating is a great way to help your autistic child try new foods. Photo: Drazen Zigic/Shutterstock

Environmental cues play a significant role in helping children learn. Associate the dining table with the family sitting together and eating peacefully. Don’t encourage eating in front of a screen.

Autistic kids often like to imitate[4] others. By eating together, your child copies and learns following your example. When they observe you trying new foods, they may be more willing to adventure. 

Start with a few minutes of eating together at the family table, gradually increasing in length, giving plenty of praise and encouragement even if food is not touched. The idea is to build positive behaviors during mealtimes.

Many autistic children prefer familiarity,[4] so when possible, use the same table for all meals and solely for eating, with everyone sitting in the same place each time.

Gradually Expose To New Foods

Some autistic children have a strong aversion to the general appearance of food. While the severity depends on each child, reasons[2] may include disliking the color, shape, or texture of particular foods. 

One autistic child may decide the look of an unripe banana is enough to be discouraged from trying one. In contrast, another may fear the unripe banana to the extent they actively avoid being in the same room with one. 

To autistic children, these fears may be as real and significant as the fear of spiders or snakes, so try to understand and show empathy. Expose these fears to your child gradually to build acceptance, providing plenty of praise and encouragement.

Sometimes it is easier to identify what your child likes to eat and build upon that. The aim is to offer familiar foods with small and subtle changes. Try providing small amounts of new food similar in taste or texture to foods that your child already accepts.

Remember, autistic children like repetition[5] and familiarity; for some, suddenly changing your child’s diet might be overwhelming simply because of the difference in appearance. 

Positive Focus On Food

Placing a positive focus on food builds a foundation for autistic children to be comfortable and open to food varieties. Expose your child to different food textures and colors, even if they are only playing with them. 

Involving children in the preparation of meals is a fun way to expose them to new foods. Let them touch, smell, taste and interact with different foods by making fun shapes or molding them. 

When your child dislikes a particular food, they may exhibit negative behavior such as spitting, hitting and sulking. Try to avoid disruptive behaviors at the table and instead concentrate on the food itself. 

You can distract and engage your child in questions about the meal, the color, and the texture; ask why they didn’t like it and how it can be made better. Again focus on and praise good behavior no matter how little progress is. 

Check For Other Conditions

Some children with autism may have poor muscle tone[6] in their stomachs and back. Autistic children may be unaware of how they are displaying their bodies in the context of space, so they may present with bad postures[7] for sitting and eating.

Your child may show discomfort by fidgeting, wriggling, slouching or leaning at the table. Support them by providing cushions, using ergonomic chairs, and by placing a footstool to support their feet. 

Sometimes children with autism may have medical conditions that make eating unpleasant for them. Physical problems[2] or discomfort may include difficulty chewing, swallowing or painful acid reflux. Over half[8] of all children with autism also have gastrointestinal problems,[8] including diarrhea, constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. Make sure you rule out these underlying issues with a pediatric gastroenterologist.

Be Patient, Yet Consistent

Being patient with autistic children is critical to helping them enjoy mealtimes. Photo: mapo_japan/Shutterstock

You may feel overwhelmed or frustrated when your child simply refuses to eat or has a tantrum. But remember that you are not alone. Managing your expectations and being patient are critical. 

Take slow steps and celebrate little wins occasionally. There will be setbacks, but try not to give up or be discouraged.

Children With Autism

Autism sits under the umbrella term, Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and is a lifelong neurodevelopmental condition affecting emotion, behavior, social interaction and communication. 

Studies show that autistic children can be picky eaters, sometimes limited to only five accepted foods[2]. Not only are they fussy eaters, but they can be selective in utensils used for eating as well. 

Long-term problems

Picky eating in those with autism can typically extend into adulthood which can be concerning for a parent. A limited diet in the long haul can lead to nutrition deficiencies, poor growth rates, or weight loss in severe cases. 

If your child is among those with high selectivity for food, consuming little to nothing each day, consider seeing a healthcare professional. Studies show that severe picky eating and inadequate nutrition[9] were the primary reasons for the referral of autistic children to a dietitian or nutritionist.


Autistic children can be picky eaters, refusing to eat simply because they don’t like the look, texture, smell, or food temperature.

Try to create a relaxed and stress-free environment before and during mealtimes.

Focus on healthy foods and the child’s positive behavior, giving plenty of praise and avoiding disruptive behavior.

Sometimes other medical conditions such as gastrointestinal problems may cause autistic children to refuse food.

Be understanding and patient. Take little steps to overcome food fears gradually. 

A limited diet in the long term causes poor growth and development in the child.

Developing a varied diet and healthy mealtime behaviors in an autistic child is a marathon, not a sprint.


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